Christmas Menu: Trattoria Micci’s offer for December 25



  • Octopus carpaccio
  • Fried baby octopus
  • Assorted hors d’oeuvres (without seafood)

First Courses

  • Cannelloni with meat sauce
  • Ravioli with ricotta and spinach
  • Cappelletti in broth
  • Fettuccine with artichokes
  • Seafood risotto

Main Courses and Side Dishes

  • Roast lamb
  • Crumbed lamb cutlets with artichokes
  • Roast pork
  • Roast breast of veal
  • Mixed boiled meats with green sauce
  • Seasonal vegetables

Moreover… House-made desserts and fruits!

Further information

We remind you that this menu is valid for December 25; as regards December 24 and December 26 (Christmas Eve and St. Stephen’s Day), menu is free.

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